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Friends of Showcase!

While we look at the event in the rear view mirror, we echo the accolades and compliments that many of you have offered in this milestone year for the community gathering called Ag Showcase.

Thank you for helping to create and feature in the remarkable memories we've gathered over the years.  For our new friends along the value chain of agriculture and food, we look forward to welcoming you year after year.  And for all the friends of the Showcase, old and new, you can count on our continued commitment to range across the increasingly dynamic value chain, as we look forward to 2019.

Our best wishes always, and look forward to being in touch, via the site, through our blog and in person.  In the next few weeks, we will post videos, photographs and blurbs to capture the best of the 10th year celebrations.  Feel free to share your thoughts and memories with us!


Rohit K. Shukla, CEO Larta Institute